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Moms of Mark 9 Support Group

Our Mission: Moms of Mark 9 was created to provide a gathering place for mothers and caregivers of a child or adult affected by disability. Our goal is to prevent isolation, build community, and grow your walk with Christ.

Invite Others! Do you know a fellow mom or caregiver who could benefit from this support group? Invite her! We represent Oakwood Church, but everyone in our community is welcome.

Monthly Gatherings: We will gather as a whole group once every month. The date, time, and location may vary from month to month so make sure you check your email for details. If you are able and interested in hosting a gathering, please contact the Mark 9 Director, Katie Powers or the Mark 9 Associate, Emily Jones.

Communication: Starting off we will communicate via email to share future meeting information and prayer requests. Be on the lookout for a “GroupMe” invite. This is a communication app that will allow you to privately communicate as a whole group and also allow you to reach out to individual members. It’s a great tool to help build new friendships!

Childcare: We cannot offer childcare at the moment, however, we are happy to reach out to our high school and college age buddies on your behalf. We have a few that have experience with special needs and are very dependable. They may ask for a small babysitting fee.

Jesus said, “Where two or more gather in my name, there I am with them.” Matthew 18:20